Election Update: With only 7 votes counted (that’s it?  SEVEN?  That’s pretty lame, folks), Macaroni & Cheese has a decisive lead with 3 votes.  In a tie for second (1 vote each) is Grilled Cheese, Chicken Soup, Pot Roast, and Chili (with a write-in vote).

All you have to do is step outside to know that autumn has begun to bear down upon us here in the Northeast, bringing chilly winds, falling leaves, and possibly even some snow this coming weekend (what??).  Of course, there is a upside or two to the fall weather: a roaring fire, snuggling with your honey, and comfort food!

You know you have one.  The food that always seems to make everything all better, snow or no.  The food that Mom would give to you, and all would become right with the world.  Well, I’m nosy and I want to know what your favorite comfort food is.  Vote now!

You can only vote once, though.  And if your favorite isn’t on the list, feel free to fill in the blank!